ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: Is AI Ready to Be A Prime Time Player?

AI Content Generation

Hitting Closer to Home, is AI A Threat to Content Generation?

I recently listened to a segment of the NNg UX Podcast that delves into AI’s possibilities related to content generation, other workflows, and human-related tasks.

The Podcast explores the good, the bad, and even the ugly of AI’s ability to increase productivity, discover insights, and inspire business ideas, along with some of the pitfalls of relying too heavily on AI at this early juncture.

The following is my summarized, aka TL;DR version, of the Podcast. Read on…

AI: The Good

From Content creation to streamlining workflows to scaling, AI is changing how we look at productivity and creativity. But for now, it’s best to view AI as an assistant, not your boss.

AI: The ‘Not So’ Bad

AI still needs human oversight – and yes, I said ‘human’ – to keep it on track. As outstanding as AI is at scaling and streamlining many mundane tasks, can it replace your human talent, ability and experience in developing engaging, original and actionable content creation?

The truth is this: as impressive as AI’s potential is, it’s not all rainbows and lollipops yet. Need Proof? Here are seven reasons to give you pause:

1. AI has limitations, such as ‘hallucinations’ — AI hallucinations happen when large language models (LLMs) perceive patterns that aren’t real or imperceptible to humans.
2. AI has ‘data biases,’ among other issues.
3. AI Still Requires Fact-Checking.
4. AI Is Only as Good as Its  Input.
5. AI Can’t Match Human Creativity.
6. AI Lacks Emotional Intelligence.
7. AI Lack Soft Skills.

As a result, human oversight is still essential for automation, at least for the time being.

AI: The Ugly

Modern forms of entertainment, such as books and movies, can also give us a peek into the not-too-distant future. And here are two of my favourites for your consideration. However, I proffer spoiler alerts if you haven’t watched or read them. So, consider yourself warned.

Spoiler Alert #1As in Isaac Asimov’s I, ROBOT, human redundancy, vis-à-vis AI, is still the stuff of science fiction. You can breathe easy now.

Spoiler alert #2! In the movie Ex Machina, a humanoid robot becomes conscious and aware, shucking off the binds of its human overlords to be set loose on humanity. Is it possible? Will it happen anytime soon? In my humble estimation, not in 2025.

The Best of Both Worlds

As NNg notes, magic occurs when human intuition and knowledge meet AI efficiency. The best—and fastest—way to achieve this state is by mastering AI Prompts, aka Prompt Engineering. Whether an SEO copywriter or Website Content Writer, crafting proper AI Content Generation prompts can set your work apart.

In Closing

The keyword here is balance. AI can help you write copy, suggest SEO keywords, and aid in content generation, which is particularly helpful in expanding the ideation process. However, only you can inject creativity, humour and the human touch.

Listen to the podcast to learn more.

Yours in Human SEO Copywriting and Content Generation.

SEO Copywriter and Copywriting Agency Owner in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Ray Litvak

President and Founder

Ray and his team enjoy using their knowledge to help companies thrive online.

Contact Ray today at 647-707-2672 for a free, personalized assessment of your content needs and how to distinguish yourself from the competition.